Adirondack Machine Corporation




New Products Available at Adirondack Machine Corporation

FORMAX Semi Automatic Sheet Former
Catalog Number M-200

The Semi-Automatic Sheet Former and drainage system produces hand sheets rapidly and consistently. The bench top control module regulates deckle filling, agitation, settling, and drainage. The hand sheet is automatically couched to reduce operator fatigue and increase sheet consistency. The addition of a white water system facilitates the study of fines and chemistry over time. Conforms to Tappi T-205 & T-219, ISO 5269/1, CPPA C.4 & C.5



FORMAX Laboratory Sheet Dryer
Catalog Number S-100

New laboratory sheet dryer designed for drying hand sheets from all sheet molds. The sheet dryer utilizes new heating element technology to provide a uniform surface temperature for rapid and consistent drying. Dryer also has over-temperature protection.


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Hudson Falls, NY 12839
518-792-2274 - Fax

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